However, if you put a garbage dump inside a magma workshop with the intent of dumping ores there, make sure the zone does not overlap any open pits of magma you may have carelessly left around, or as per intended behavior, items will be dumped into the magma. Be careful you dont mark dump items that are being worn, the dwarf wont take them off. 10 Minutes later I hit status and BAM We have even LESS. I saw that Im running out of booze and gave orders in both my stills to brew. Raise the bridge while the cart is filling, lower it when the carts ready for a push. Help Dwarves wont work Ive never experienced something like this. Knowing of the power of a quantum dump, I designated a 1x1 area that is accessible to all dwarfs (no burrows in use). New fortress using the recently-posted terrifying tower save and I can't get my dump working. Note that some tools only tagged with fort might also work in adventure mode, but. Long time DF player and I think I'm going mad. Tools that are useful while in adventure mode. , which scans through all your items and removes the. It should form a safe corridor to prevent any magma splashing or mist, and the magma should safely drain away. DFHack is a Dwarf Fortress memory access and modification framework, so DFHack tools normally access Dwarf Fortress internals and make some specific changes. and the (b)s are raised, magma-safe bridges. New fortress using the recently-posted terrifying tower save and I cant get my dump working. Make sure the stockpile settings match your clothing. the -s are channels back down to the magma sea. Long time DF player and I think Im going mad.

If the dump is designated inside a workshop, the workshop will not become cluttered. Make a single tile garbage dump near the center of your fortress over a single tile refuse stockpile. Garbage dump zones are areas in which dwarves will throw items designated for dumping - either with by using ) for use by your stonemasons bonus points if you do this next to a stoneworking workshop and then re-designate the tile as a stone stockpile. Garbage dumps are used most often for clearing out large areas of leftover stone - for instance, when constructing a stockpile (note that since the changes made in version 0.34.10, mining doesn't generate quite so many leftover stones, though the number is still significant).